Tuesday 15 March 2011

Hot Outfits and Cold IceCream

Today was the Cluc couture and Oglio hair show, sadly I wrote down the starting time for 6pm...
 it ended at 6pm :(

But I was all dolled up so the Boss lady and I went for a pick-me-up ice cream run at dairy queen and then snapped some snazzy shots of my fabulous outfit.
Small half and half in a sugar cone please and thank you!

Favorite makeup look ATM: mint green shadow(annabelle cream stick)
Black winged eyeliner a bit of bronzer and a baby pink lip.


The dress and shoes are from Winners. Cause I'm a winner!!
The bag is an H&M,  the shades are Oakley frogskins.
And my beautiful nude-lined black coat has a great story!
This coat was perched over a mail box in the east village of NYC. I picked it up and checked it out. Looked like it would fit, plus how much more free do you get?
So I took it home, washed it and took a second look.
I had to replace 3 buttons.
That's all! 
The sleeves are a bit too short, but I compensate with a cuff to show the pretty liner.

And that's pretty cool ;)


  1. Hey there, Fashionista514 intern Lindsay! Happy birthday!! :)

  2. The shoes are killing my eyes. Looovveee them
