Tuesday, 11 December 2012


what an incredibly fun shoot! and the photos are so nice!! 
Super happy!!

Monday, 3 December 2012

I had a photo shoot!!

and i got to be part of a photo shoot this sunday. it was so much fun! 
there were two photographers, a makeup artist, a hair stylist and a suit case of outfits to dress me.
and by outfits i mean lingerie.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Internship #2

So my second internship for school was for the Chambre des Commerces Gay du Quebec. It was inspired by the old port of montreal and was sailor themed. Sailors as in a bunch of body painted hot muscular men with little white shorts and ribbons on their necks. This was a fun internship.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Ive lost my mind

So ever since i started hangout with my ex, the craziness that is my brain has some to a beautiful halt. The ever annoying voices that fight inside of me have stopped talking. 
There is only silence. 
Only possibility to focus on my work. 
Only possibility for me to come up with creative ideas.
Only possibility for me to try and entertain myself.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Did my first internship for school last weekend. It was so much fun!! It was for elegant weddings magazine. It was a two day internship only and day one was pretty basic, we did a lot of setting up of all the products and telling the vendors where their little designated carpet space was. Day two was when all the fun happened!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Who is really your family?

Alright I've got 30 minutes before my sleeping pill knocks me out.
I'm in a good mood right now. No particular reason, but i was just sitting on my bed starring at my blank computer screen, and realized I'm kind of happy right now.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

She's just a girl and she's on fire

Ironically enough after my recent blog rant about how different my life is compared to one and two years ago, i stood in my old kitchen and reminisced with people from my past.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

choosing happiness

I can preach all day and night about the power of the self and choosing your mood, and not letting other people's negativity affect you.  I haven't been doing a very good job in applying it to my own life how ever. i let myself get bummed down so many time in day.

Monday, 5 November 2012

I've changed

Through my marketing class, I've learnt the importance of branding and marketing.
since this class, I've started noticing a lot more how i brand and market myself.
on the outside i like to portray a feminine playful woman, 
until we sit down and start talking and the driven, goal oriented beast shows up.
I've been given the word intimidating on multiple occasions recently, and i wanted to sit and and think about why that is.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Working on changing up the layout a bit

Hey hey hey. 
Been so busy with school and changing jobs every few weeks, i haven't had a chance to sit down and explode my brain all over the internet. 
I miss the emotional release! 
i'll be working on a post today to update readers on the unstable life I'm pushing through. 
If i had to come up with a metaphor for this last month, 
i would have to say it's like I've been swimming through pudding. 
Im exhausted.

But between the studying and power point presentations and the hectic work schedule, I've been working on a new layout for the blog. I've been learning photo shop and some fun stuff in my computers class. So ill see what i can ca do with the blogger layout.

speak soon xo

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Thirsty Thursday Angels Night!!

So my girls from the restaurant and I decided we would have a designated night to troll men in montreal. The result is thirsty thursday angels night!! "angels" because we literally fit the look of the charlie's angels girls. It's pretty awesome to walk around as a blonde, red head and dark haired asian. First edition of thirsty thursdays was at Winnie's on crescent. 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Day one of Fashion event planning

Almost lost my cool today. I walked around my apartment in procrastination of getting the day started because i had such back to school gitters. 

Monday, 3 September 2012

I would be screwed without makeup and nice clothes

So today is Labor day, but leave it to me to forget and spend time getting ready to get my school ID done, only to show up at school and realize the doors are locked and theres no one in there.
I documented my ridiculous adventure of getting ready today. 
It really was an adventure.

School Orientation day outfit

So my orientation day went well. i heard all about some amazing students that were getting jobs in the event planning business even before they were graduated. The pressure is on but im ready for the challenge. And looking my best while achieving my goals.

Friday, 10 August 2012

It's already Mid August

So i was so pumped for this summer to be the best summer of life and i think it got pretty up there. I think i did more activities last summer, but i have slight resentment for the people that it happened with. So i think this summer is equal or just a notch above.

Here was my list of things to do:

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Back to reality

I feel like I've just come out of a deep sleep.
I do that fairly often though i guess. I forget what I'm doing with myself and get overwhelmed with the mundane life and just lose touch with my reality and just sleep walk through my days. Sometimes its for a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but i think this time may have been a bit longer. 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Single girl shenanigans

So my summer to do list has not quite commenced yet, but I've been up to no good this summer...
One of my items was to be Olivia Newton John, but what happened last night was more Julia Roberts in Pretty woman...

Saturday, 19 May 2012

My Summer to do list

I have this wonderful feeling in my stomach that this summer is going to surpass the last. which i already know is going to be hard but i have some hope. i have a new circle of friends to explore and working two jobs has put my in a situation that i can take a little vacation time, so I'm going to try and put every day to good use.

Monday, 23 April 2012

I'm Baaaaaaack

Good news! 
Tomorrow i will be picking up my laptop from the apple store :)
i will officially have my own laptop and i will be polluting your brains with my non-sense on a weekly basis! 

Monday, 20 February 2012

Monday, 23 January 2012


Two posts in one day! Here we go! I must have my thinking cap on!
Awaken women are lonely creatures. Awaken, not in a literal way, but in a spiritual way. It's hard to be conscious of the self and of the way the world is and still try to have a mundane life. 

You cant live with them and you cant live without them.

I feel so hurt right now. Part of it is things i've created in my own mind but most of it is just straight up honesty thats been dished out to me. and by someone that was high on my list of importance to me. I feel like i cant ever escape good things coming to bite me in the ass. Its like every time i try to do something good for someone else, theres some kind of negative side that comes up more apparent then the good.