Monday 28 February 2011


Not totally accurate but im pretty in to organizing...
to the point where it might actually be a health condition... but who knows? 
The Boss Lady has gone to Miami fashion week
It's a good thing she left the studio a mess (she will openly admit that)
Maybe she has Disposophobia?
I've had a huge organization fix all day. It feels so good to put a things that are the same in the same box.
Mmmm same things in same box.


I was also given the task of figuring out why the fish tank is so foggy. Tried cleaning out a filter but it didn't really work. Cleaning it made the whole kitchen smell awful. Like a specific smell that i wont gross you out with. I might have Itchtyophobia and Coprophobia now.

She also saved a mouse this morning. But in doing so, we now have a mouse in a plastic tupperware in the studio.  It's pretty cute though cause it's a baby and I've been watching it eat a granola bar for a large part of the afternoon. Now I'm off to deliver some documents in-spite of my Frigophobia.

My worst phobia however, would be Homophobia. WAIT!! before you freak out. 
Before being associated to the fear of homosexuals or becoming homosexual, Homophobia was the term for the Fear of Sameness. I get really squirmy when things stay the same for too long. I love to change my bedroom around, or switch my clothing drawers just for fun. I'll take out the dinner plates and move over mugs and then put the plates on the other side of the shelf. I have no idea why i do this, but when I'm really stressed, moving things around and making changes to my appearance calms me down. Kind of feeling that way now. Sometimes i day dream about getting in my car and driving far away and pretending I'm a different person. 

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